QNG NETWORK Transition is completed. Wallet, explorer and mining pool have resumed
Dear Qitmeer community users, Qitmeer network upgrade has been completed, the network is now working well, and the wallet, explorer and mining pool has resumed normal services!
As of September 2, 2022, 12:00 BST (September 2, 5:00 London time, September 2, 8:00 Dubai time), after nearly a week of hard work, Qitmeer has been successfully upgraded to the next generation network — QNG Network, which is the result of the collaboration and cooperation of the technical, operational and community members. Thank you for your support and dedication!
Currently, the QNG network is stable and running well; MeerEVM functions normally and contracts are deployed normally; normal UTXO transactions, normal MeerEVM transactions, and UTXO to MeerEVM transfer transactions are all working normally. The latest version of Kahf wallet has been released, please update it in time ( iOS version is under review, it is expected to be available for download tomorrow). Please pay attention to the exchange platform announcements for the restoration of their services.